
A new home

Hello Everyone,

I am happy to announce that my blog has a new home. My postings can now be found at http://www.iofthestormcoaching.com.

Yes, I have started a new coaching company that is based on the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge and I look forward to having you continue to follow my evolution at this new phase. If you subscribe to this blog I would ask that you update your RSS feed so that you can continue to journey with me.

And I want to thank all of you who have read, commented  and followed me on this blog.



There is a constriction in my throat this morning and a slight tightness in my chest as well as that feeling I get when something big is about to move. The word familiarity has been popping up in my awareness all week-end. And the meaning it brings up in me is one of doing what is familiar, being drawn to what is familiar stemming from family.

From the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge I know that the Androgynous Baby™ and Nested Living Systems™ are powerful processes. Processes that run and are buried deep within us, having us behave in ways we don’t know we don’t know because we believe it is part of the fabric of our being. What has been put into these processes in my humble opinion has been madness. It has been a process of passing on the crazy notion of we can not be bigger than what we are told. That we have to believe everything that we are taught, even when that aspect of ourSelves is screaming this is not my truth.

I have had the great pleasure to read some amazing blogs this past week as well as to be present to K decloaking in her full glory. Her story of abuse has been causing ripples in me. Abuse comes in many different forms, no one better than the next, the result is the same, death. When I am young, death of some aspect of mySelf that I did not know was dead. And it brings up the deniability that we use to not have to deal with the truth of our experience. We use words like ‘I don’t remember it that way’ or ‘ I never saw that’ as ways to push even further that in which our body is screaming out at us to look at as the truth of our experience. This is not about blame, this is about claiming what lives in our body.

Fear of abandonment is a big one for me. I know I don’t know when it got installed, what I do know is it runs in the background ever so silently and softly and rears it’s ugly head when I fight to keep things just as they are. I cannot grow and evolve when I keep things as they are, that is a recipe for death. And we become skilled in using these techniques, installed in us as we are growing to then manipulate our own relationships, not allowing ourselves to see the other person for who they are in all of their magnificence. How can I see your magnificence when I am not willing to claim my own. It is so easy to shut it down, it is so easy to fall asleep, and it is only the screams of my body that is able to wake me. Are you paying attention?

It is about paying attention. I will say it again, I create my world. I create all of my experiences, AND none of it is real, each experience is an opportunity for me to know more about mySelf.

So back to familiarity, back to the family. Where it all begins and ends. Family for me is beyond the blood ties, there is the family of choice, our family of friends. For some the strategy is to cocoon ourselves within our blood family, playing the game where the rules were created so long ago we don’t even think to question them anymore. Honour thy father and mother… interesting how often do father and mother honour their offspring? I mean really honour, allowing them to blossom into the magnificent beings they/ we are. Not too often. We get tied up in the rules about what is good behaviour and bad behaviour, what is acceptable or not, what is right and what is wrong. What a child can and cannot say or do, based on the rules that we learned from our own parents who learned it from their parents. Swimming against the tide is exhausting AND if we don’t we will continue to die. WAKE UP. Are you willing to see what you see, hear what you hear and know what you know? Are you willing, am I willing, to relax into what my body is trying to tell me and let go of the intellectual process of figuring it out, to not fall into the trap of towing the line. The sense of the shackles being tightened is all in my mind, created from years of training and observation. Much like an elephant being kept by a tiny piece of string. It does not doubt that it is more powerful and has the ability to free itself because it learned at an early age that thing around my foot is stronger than I am. It won’t even try.

The information we have been given is incomplete. I am more than what you see, and I am capable of being more than what you see. AND I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I don’t have winch myself into the box that has been created or observe the rules as they are now because I am capable of making my own rules. Look around, those who we consider great are the ones who broke the rules, who decided to do it their way.

You don’t have to be what you are told, you can be anything you want. You can BE who you know yourself to be but don’t quite believe it. We do what we know because it is familiar and it’s familiar because we learn it in our family system. Are you willing for a moment to entertain the notion that they, the people who are our caretakers don’t know any more than you do. That to honour them we don’t have to live our lives just like theirs, that we can break the rules and in our breaking the rules we can create a world where everyone just gets to BE themselves. How often do you say or wish JUST LET ME BE. Do you know that you can choose that? Do you know you have the power within yourSELF to BE. Do you know that just because it is familiar does not mean it is right. Do you even notice the familiarity? There are times I know I don’t notice, it’s such a part of me the twinges I feel I dismiss as insignificant.

Pay attention to that feeling of familiarity – choosing to engage with it may  just be what saves your life.


Last night I emailed a friend and colleague to work out some logistics and in her response this morning she mentioned she is ‘waiting’ to see if anyone signs up for her event late in the afternoon. And I can’t begin to tell you the flurry of activity it set off in my body. I did breathe AND it was not enough since I had to prepare myself for a meeting with a client. So as I sit here now, having the time to really let the sensations move through me I am curious. What is it about the words or the idea of having to wait for someone else to make a decision to see if I can do something mean to me? Memories of being told to ‘wait’ to go to the bathroom if we were on a trip, to ‘wait’ my turn, to ‘wait until someone catches up all meaning for me to put my life on hold for someone else.

I am DONE with that. No more waiting. A ringing in my ears, no longer willing to wait to show up for my life. It’s all about me right? So what about my deadline, my cut off point, my line in the sand where I declare you have until this time to respond and then I am moving on?

Power struggle comes to mind… when I am willing to put mySelf in wait mode do I give the other person perceived power over me? So that now I am scrambling at the last moment to pull it all together? What takes so long to make a decision? I know in my body instantly if I want to do something or not, go somewhere or not, be with someone or not, the wait game is the time I give myself to convince myself whether I should or should not do something. Am I still willing to play that game? Another deeply held belief, truth that I was taught sooooo long ago.

What are we teaching our children when we say… you have to wait until your older for that, wait until your bigger or stronger? Are we even willing to let them try? How often do we marvel when those young beings do things that we consider well beyond their grasp, or so we presume adhering to the beliefs, values and attitudes that we learned as children.

I have to wait until I am credentialed, I say that, or I used to say that to mySelf a lot. I have to learn more, I have to have so many years of experience, who came up with that? There is a lot of fire energy moving through me right now and I am not ‘waiting’ for it to pass I am claiming it now! I am claiming my right to set a deadline and only change my mind if it suits me, because it’s the right thing for me.

Another layer discovered, another part of mySelf revealed, knowing I am now a different person. Thank you Sheila for your part in this new discovery of mySelf.

Bad moments

Wow I must have a lot to say today… I haven’t blogged in a while and now I can’t seem to shut up. Louise LeBrun made a comment about how we tend to fixate on the ‘bad’ moments on my last post and it has been rumbling around inside of me all day. The question that has entered my awareness is what is a bad moment? When I first read the line I immediately focused on those moments where I have a disagreement with someone, or when I feel rejected or shunned or not loved or respected and internalize that I must have done something wrong. Knowing now that is all me projecting that inside of me.

And now I have a very different awareness coming to me, what about all those moments when I choose to turn in on mySelf? When I just feel like being ‘down’ where I get some sort of perverse joy from being down or moody. All nominalizations that capture the feeling of solitude and loneliness. Of closing the walls all around me so that I can say, see I am all alone, no one cares. Playing out a habituated behaviour I learned and witnessed so long ago. A belief, a truth that I carry, carried, that this is part of who I am. Everything is coming together. I needed to write those two other posts and witness the reactions of others to get to this point. I am brilliant. Another layer coming to the surface ready to be peeled away and discarded. That is not who I AM. That is who I thought I had to be, that is who I thought I had no choice but to be. And that is NOT MY STRATEGY. That is a strategy I picked up and claimed as my own.

I have been expressing a ‘bad mood’, I have been moody, with my husband. What has he done? Nothing. I know this and yet I persisted, and I knew it was all about me, I couldn’t figure it out until this very moment. This is the strategy, the game I saw played out when I was growing up. This is not who I AM and this is certainly not who I want to be. And I get to CHOOSE.  I have been out of alignment with mySelf because this aspect has been playing itself out in the background. Uping the ante with mySelf,  forcing me to look in the mirror to see what I see, to see me.

The I AM that I AM is moving downward, breaking up the mortar that has surrounded my chest, moving back up so I can exhale and be different. The tightness is gone, I am feeling unbelievably light, years of something has been removed, metabolized, integrated and processed. I am a different person now. THANK -YOU to all of the aspect of me who moved through this with me.

It’s all about Me

Uping the ante with mySelf. Knowing it’s all about me and releasing the desire to deny it anymore. This is my holodeck, this is my world. I create it in every moment and I sometimes forget I am the creator of it all, that it’s always about me and that I can choose this or not this. That I can change my world by breathing in and exhaling. My life my responsibility. Being true to me.

Yesterday I had conversations with two amazing women, women who were willing to engage and the message coming back to me is it’s all about me. Their experience their outcomes are all about them I can only claim what happens to me. I am the only one, who in a conversation knows if I am fully present, knows if I am allowing MySelf to emerge fully. Allowing MySelf to fully let go and BE. It is like magic. I am trusting MySelf, trusting that voice inside of me that is beginning to be louder and clearer because the chatter has subsided.

I know who I am and I am no longer feeling guilty about it. I am actually relishing in delight of who I am and there is nothing arrogant about it, if I cannot delight in who I am who will.

Okay so I came home after an amazing conversation and wanted to share the experience and no one was home, and, for a moment, I felt deflated and I realized, in some of the key moments in my life there was never anyone around to share it with and then I went on the WGGG and read the posts and remembered who I AM, energy in flow, moving through the world in this body, this device, it’s brilliant! I read a post, by Sarah19978, where she referred to the very thing I was experiencing, again all about me for me, it’s all perfect.

It’ all about me remembering who I AM, I just got that! I have just in that moment created more space in me for me. Life is a beautiful thing when it’s all about me!

Choice and Choosing

I know I have choice and I know I have the capability to choose for mySelf. And I do, most of the time. And then there are the times when I forget. When I fall into the ‘old’ way of being, of ‘thinking’ I have no choice, that this is just the way things are. And I can be pretty good at talking myself into ‘believing’ that. And it’s just talk, that internal conversation that happens in my head’ that distracts me from living my life. Most of the times I catch mySelf and then there are other times I do get lost in it. And it is through reading the WGGG blog and noticing the agitation that arises in my body when I read something someone has written that reminds me of my internal state of being. And then I get to ‘choose’, do I pay attention or do I stay asleep.

Sometimes I can be stubborn and choose not to recognize what is being presented, and of course then I start to create lots of opportunities for me to choose differently. HA the I AM that I am does not let me go quietly anymore, the I AM that I am chooses to be awake and to engage in each moment and ups the ante in me to ‘choose’ differently.

It’s about free will. The freedom to choose differently and it is not difficult, really it isn’t, all I have to do is change my mind and say not this, or choose not to respond in a habituated way. Actually the only thing I need to do is take a breath. And not a breath to calm the feelings rumbling around inside me, a breath that claims whatever it is that is moving. I welcome that feeling because it is what keeps me alive. It says to me here is another layer of something that you now have the opportunity to choose differently on… am I up for it? Can I stand how my life will change and in that moment propel me to a different place?

What other people think of me is none of my business, BECAUSE, it’s never about me it’s always about them. I have been saying that a lot to people lately as a way of offering another choice. I also say the flip side is true and needs to be paid attention to, when I start to make a judgment about someone I have to acknowledge that it’s all about me, not them.

I have started my practicum for the CODE Model™ coaching certification and,for me, I feel the sessions are going well. I have come to realize that the waves move differently for different people and it’s all perfect for them and for me. I have begun to understand more how it is about me, in that, I have a choice to where to move the conversation when I choose to stay connected to mySelf and listen and act on the instructions. I am choosing to be seen. I am choosing to let that aspect of mySelf that knows what it knows to be fully visible, trusting I will remain present. Choosing to be present, fully present as much as I am able to. It is like magic when that happens. Time stands still, space is created evolution takes place, lives are changed and I am choosing to acknowledge that I am a part of that process. That because I choose to engage the world is different because one person’s life is different.

All of this is happening to me because I am choosing something different, I choose to TRUST the choices I make because there is genius in each choice. Genius in choosing to stay in the fog, genius in choosing not to be in the fog, choosing to engage or not to engage, choosing to speak, choosing to be seen. The choosing to be seen is a big one for me. For far too long I had chosen not to be seen, chosen to stay small inside of mySelf. That distinction is necessary because others were able to see the force that I AM. I chose not to see it, because at the time I did not know I had the power to choose that.  And that is now changed. I see MySelf and I choose to CLAIM who I AM. I am choosing to let go of the fear of living a different life, one where I have no plan other than choosing to BE who I AM in one breathe every moment.

I am living a very life and I have to admit at times I have no clue what I’m doing or where I’m going and you know what? I’m good with that. I guess I expected once all the WEL-SystemsⓇ programs were done I would know it all… HA I know now I am always really just at the beginning… of what I don’t know. What I do know is this new life feels a whole lot better than the old one.

What has changed? Better yet, who has changed? I have. Is it easy? Yes and no, claiming and owning who I am everyday, being who I am is easy living in the newtonian world sometimes is not. It is so easy and I know it’s everything in me that makes anything difficult. I am much better at living this new life… each time I sense a difficulty I take a breathe… sometimes a few, and choose… differently. And by making that different choice my life changes.

What is my new realization? I am living my life out loud, not hiding anymore. Being comfortable within my skin… again a very different feeling. I can’t remember the last time I felt so alive, where I knew the essence resonating throughout me was me, not some impostor pretending to be me.

How can I feel so lost and yet have so much clarity. Certain words jump off the computer screen when I am reading… never give up on yourself, never doubt yourself even when everyone else is telling you something different. Again the word TRUST, I have to trust mySelf. Trust my voice. The voice that speaks so clearly to me now. When I relax into my voice there is a clarity that I cannot explain.

There is a joy that is building up inside of me. I cannot explain it, the words do not seem enough. When I am engaging in the way that I want to I have this overwhelming feeling of joy, I don’t have all the answers. What I do have are many, many questions and I’m not afraid to ask any more.

I am living a very different life right now, one I could never have imagined, breath by breath, moment by moment, learning more about myself when I am willing to engage. There have been times when I don’t feel like engaging so I don’t. It’s my prerogative and I know when I don’t engage it’s a lost opportunity to learn more about mySelf and I know another opportunity will come because that is what we do you and I, we create our lives our experiences moment by moment.

I am getting used to my new skin and I am still shedding some of the old. I am stepping into a new reality that I am creating for mySelf and I know exactly what it looks like from the inside and have not a clue of what it looks like from the outside, how exciting is that!

There is Always More

This past week-end I once again had the pleasure to be in the company of eight powerful women. Each one carving out a new way of being for others to see there is a different way to be in this world of ours. When my very dear friend Naomi arrived off the plane on Friday night I knew I was in for a wild ride. I could feel inside of me, something… something old, something deeply entrenched that wanted to…needed to move.

Once again I had to come face to face with who I AM. I had to go to that next layer of truth that resides deep within me. I had to come to a place where I could look at the deep rooted belief that I held as truth for so long and decide if it  really was true.

My whole journey has been about trust, trusting mySelf, and those of you who have been on this journey with me have witnessed the many times I have had to face a belief I held as a truth and decide if it REALLY stood for the truth of who I AM. It is so easy for me to believe that something cannot be, to want to believe the stories that I tell myself, to run from the truth that is knocking at my door wanting me to take ownership of it. The question: Is it possible that I am the powerful being that I know mySelf to be? Is it possible that I truly can shape the world that I live in? When will I step up and own the majesty of who I AM. This is not about being better than anyone else, this is about claiming; I AM a powerful woman who is more than capable of shaping my world. This experience we call life is a metaphor to show mySelf who I am.

I had become adept at processing information, I had become skilled at calming the fire that stirs within me. I had not claimed the fire, I had not taken ownership of it, I was still working on controlling it, of not letting it get out of control. How long will it take me to own that it is the fire that feeds me, it is that fire that propels me forward, it is that fire that sources my creativity and that prepares the landscape for me to create.

So here I am declaring I CLAIM MY FIRE. I will no longer suppress it, instead I will breathe and let it fill me so that in that next breath  I can then forge ahead in creating my world as I want it to be. The FIRE is who I AM. I AM FIRE CREATING THROUGH THE INTENSITY OF TRUTH.

I will not run from mySelf any more, it is getting much harder to do so. The chaos that I create in my life when I choose not to see who I AM grows in intensity, sends me in a tailspin. I have chosen a different way to live my life and I know it will not always be easy, is anyone’s life  any easier the way they choose to live? What I know about my choice is that every moment counts, every breath is an opportunity for me to ask mySelf is my life a reflection of who I know mySelf to be? And if I say no I can change it right there and then. Can you do that?

A New Journey Begins

Well it has been a while. And lots has happened since my last post, has it really only been a little over a month? WOW, time is moving quickly and yet it seems to have taken a while. So back to the journey. The old journey, the journey of learning, absorbing, experimenting to be something/someone different is over, and the new journey of living it has begun. The content of it is I needed to stop. For the past 10 months I’ve been moving at the speed of light, growing, evolving, changing, going back to sleep, waking up again, it was exhilarating and it was exhausting. So I took a break.

I went to Provence and spent seven wonderful days with one woman whom I have come to know very well and four others I just met. And it was magical. I understood why my body reacted the way it did when I thought I could/should not go.  Each day was perfect, it did not go by too fast or too slow.  The weather was perfect too, big fluffy clouds and lots of sun light, always with a light breeze. We had amazing conversations, ate great food, and drank lots and lots of wine. And for a moment I let mySelf rest. I let mySelf absorb all that I had learned and experienced, I let mySelf just BE. And I realized that is all I have had to do all along. Inhale and exhale, pay attention to what is around me, listen to every sound, observe all that I can with all of me, not just with my eyes, nose and ears, and speak the truth of my experience in THAT moment.

I am filled with a sense of wonder. Everything excites me, and, I choose moment to moment. I have no more worry in me. I trust mySelf fully now. I know that whatever my intention is, it will be. And I know I still have a lot to learn and experience, because, that is what life is about. I am not done I am just beginning, again. Everything is perfect.

My brother and his wife just had their second child, a new life begins and I begin a new life. No coincidence in that. And where will this new life take me? Far and wide and with a bang. I am no longer afraid to be who I am. I AM STAR, and I will allow mySelf to shine as bright as  I need to in order to attract others. Like a moth to a flame, only this flame creates space for a new place to stand, on more solid ground.

I have a new CD entitled Perfect Life – Still Dying? You can find it at http://www.wel-systems.com/products/CD/TO-LJW-PL-SD.htm. It’s the conversation that frames the beginning of my journey, and there will be more. I know now I have lots to say and now I’m WILLING to say it. Everything is just a conversation, an opportunity to grow and evolve. For me there is no other way to live than this.

With RIG


Two friends lost their dads in the last couple of weeks, very sad events for both. Last night I went to the viewing of one, and my friend is holding up pretty well. The sense of loss that we experience can be overwhelming. When my grandmother passed away years ago I felt a deep sense of loss. The knowledge that I would no longer have the opportunity to see or talk to her made me sad. Yet over the years I have come to realize that she is still here. I still talk to her lots. It’s a matter of perception.

If my belief is that once the person is gone they are gone forever I can understand the grief that may accompany that. I hold the belief that the essence of the person is still here, still exists, just not in the physical form that we have been taught to know and love. It is the body, the vessel that ceases to function for whatever reason. The essential essence, the soul, the godforce that we are releases itself from this container.

Have you ever wondered where we go when we sleep? I have.  The expression of dead asleep makes me smile as I have often wondered where do we go? I believe that our soul, essence, godforce releases itself from our bodies and wanders the various universes that exist, hence where our dreams come from. How else can you explain that once you are asleep you see, hear and feel nothing. I have had nights where my dreams feel so real and I wake up exhausted, a whole new spin on living a  double life.

I digressed a bit, with the death of my friends’ fathers I have been wondering about where we go. What new adventures await us that we have no inclination of when we are occupying  the physical from we call our bodies.  We had to come from somewhere and we must go somewhere. I choose to believe we go everywhere, that we are everywhere, that we see and know all that which we seek  while here.

I miss not being able to hug my grandmother, however, there are days, when I am still and thinking of her I feel her presence. So I choose to believe that she and all of those who have come before us are still here in some way, having adventures and experiencing something very different from what we know. This life that we live in this form is part of the experience of existence, and that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, because there are some who choose to be asleep while they are alive in this form and for me that is far more devastating a state to be in.

I was one of those people wandering through life asleep, having moments of insights, moments of being alive and awake. And now I am awake, alive and choose to stay that way, to engage with every moment even if the moment is sitting and looking out a window, I appreciate every experience that I create for mySelf even if the experience is one of sadness, they all give me an opportunity to learn more about mySelf. And THAT is the great adventure.